Oval Creoles + Double Medium Chalcedony - Creolen - 18k vergoldet
289,00 €
inkl. Versand & Retoure
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5-7 Werktage
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Our hoops +Medium Chalcedony - Gold - these beautiful light blue earrings offer you unthinkable combination possibilities and play with your imagination. You can choose from two different hoops: oval or round. Either you wear the Big Chalcedony hoops with the gemstone on both sides. This is the symmetrical, classic, and colorful option. If, on the other hand, you prefer asymmetrical and a bit more striking, then you can wear the chalcedony gemstone on one side and a pearl on the other. You can choose between the gentle Keshi pearl or the bulbous, round Baroque pearl. In addition, you have the option of wearing the earrings in a minimalist and simple way without gemstones or pearls. One pair of earrings, so many different styling options. Whatever fits your mood. The light blue shade of the Chalcedony gemstone sparkles on both light and dark skin types. It makes you shine! The color of the stone may differ slightly from the color in the pictures. Every chalcedony stone is unique, each one has its own beautiful color expression. However, we make sure that the gemstones are the same as in the picture. As with the gemstones, we of course also apply high-quality standards to the pearls.
Material: 925 Sterlingsilber
Veredelung: 18k vergoldet
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Oval Creoles + Double Medium Chalcedony - Creolen - 18k vergoldet
289,00 €
inkl. Versand & Retoure
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