Oval Creoles + Double Medium Calcite - Creolen - 18k vergoldet
289,00 €
inkl. Versand & Retoure
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5-7 Werktage
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2 Jahre Garantie
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"The heart of our Mix and Match Collection: The hoops + Medium Calcite. Medium Calcite hoops are available as oval or round hoops. Your taste, your style decides which creation is the perfect choice for you. Do you love symmetrical and colored things? Then you can wear the beautiful calcite gemstone on both earrings. If you like asymmetrical and a bit conspicuous better, then we recommend wearing the gemstone on one earring and the freshwater pearl on the other. When it comes to pearls, you can choose between the Keshi Pearl and the Baroque Pearl. In comparison, the Keshi Pearl is softer and lighter, the Baroque Pearl heavier and more rounded in shape. Of course, you can also wear the hoops very clean without gemstones and pearls. These earrings give you great combination options - for every occasion and mood. The orange-yellow color of the calcite hoops can be combined particularly beautifully with warm pastel colors and cream-colored tones. Particularly simple outfits, such as turtlenecks and jeans, make the calcite hoops shine. The calcite gemstone is also a natural product. This means: Each gemstone has its own color expression. And for you, it means: every stone, every earring - unique."
Material: 925 Sterlingsilber
Veredelung: 18k vergoldet
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Oval Creoles + Double Medium Calcite - Creolen - 18k vergoldet
289,00 €
inkl. Versand & Retoure
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